
Denver Stay At Home EFY (Epilogue)

Brethren and Sisters...I've received a number of "Thank You's" for helping put this event together and I appreciate the kind jesters.  I must say though, I was blessed beyond my capacity to hold it all in by being there and witnessing our youth.  They are so great!  Two levels of greatness!  First those that attended were just outstanding.  Anywhere else you'd see bickering, personal agendas, on and on but not here, these kids got along with 400 others as if they were all best friends.  As I mentioned in my remarks below, a gentleman walking his dog through the parking lot on Thursday remarked, "this is the best looking group of youth I've ever seen!" Secondly, the counselors....HEROS...they were so focused and dedicated and most of them only 20 to 25.  Wow, we're in good hands going forward.  They didn't miss a beat!  There wasn't a single youth who if they needed a little one-on-one didn't find it without looking, the counselors found them!  Their testimonies were so strong and they were not afraid to share them repeatedly with the youth!  Their excitement was contagious!  Thanks don't belong to me, it really belongs to the BYU group and all the counselors.  Pardon me for doing this, but it's warranted....

Brent Craig...thanks for all your help with the food services from Douglas County School District!

Nick Santilli..thanks for all the help with the AV.  Not a beat missed!

Scott Sorensen...thanks for having all the buildings in great shape and being ready to assist where needed!

Rob Walton...thanks for the last minute help with the larger speakers, they were perfect!

Fairchilds...thanks for getting us the fans from Timberline...they helped tremendously during the Friday dance!

Tabors...thanks for making sure that we had all the bathroom supplies necessary!

Priesthood Leaders....to those that came by, thanks for doing so, the youth loved seeing you there!

Sherrie Bangerter & Patrick Newman...BYU key staff and leaders...thanks for making it seem that we were the only EFY you had going all summer!

Priesthood from Northridge, Summit View, Spring Gulch, Westridge & Highlands Ranch ward...thanks for your assistance in parking management each of the evenings!

Parents...thanks for transporting your youth to our event.  You sacrificed a lot of time to see that the youth were there on-time and picked up on-time.  Can you imagine, 400 youth gone in 10 minutes each night, you were great!

Host Families (Logan's, Chambers, Crellins, Robinsons, Jensons, Taylors, Hansens, Ellsworths, McDonalds, Millers, Jones & McVeys)...thanks for opening your homes and letting the counselor staff feel like your home was theirs.

Stake representatives and leaders...thanks for your help in publicizing and making sure everyone possible know of our event.

President Ralph Walker and Elder Brent Hillier...thanks for letting me assist with this program.

To anyone I may have missed in the above thank you's...Sorry for missing you, but thanks for being there behind the scenes!

Ann McVey...thanks for all your support during the past six months being there for support!